Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kyoto Institute of Technology Innovative Materials

Graduate school entrance examinations

Human resources development objective

The Innovative Materials program seeks to foster the development of professionals with a sufficient level of basic knowledge about the physical properties polymers, inorganic materials science, material physics, and photonics as well as the application skills necessary in order to develop effective, innovative materials through an advanced structuralization and functionalization approach based on polymers, ceramics, and other materials. In addition, the program is dedicated to training students who will bring deep human knowledge and self-awareness along with an international outlook to their work as researchers and engineers.

Selection policy

The Innovative Materials program seeks applicants who take a strong interest in the specialized domain of polymer and ceramic materials and who possess the intellect necessary in order to scientifically investigate these materials along with the motivation to pursue such research.

For more information about the types of entrance examinations offered by the program (master’s program), click here.


〒606-8585 京都市左京区松ヶ崎橋上町 京都工芸繊維大学工芸科学部 高分子機能工学課程 (事務室)E-mail :
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